Scriptures to meditate upon and inspire believers to live a life with purpose, hope and joy. I believe that faith has the power to fuel our passions, guide our decisions, and transform our lives.
As Paul approaches the end of his missionary journey, he reflects on his ministry among the Ephesian believers. In this poignant farewell, he emphasizes his sincere service to the Lord, marked by humility, emotional depth, and perseverance amidst trials.
Stop asking for a house, car, new clothes, ask for daily bread. That which is needed for a Day. God will provide for your daily needs, don't you worry!
️ This verse means that we can lay all our concerns in prayer before the Lord, and surrender them to Him, and watch and wait expectantly for what He will do with them. When we pray God hears. He is always listening.
Paul's focus was on pleasing God, not people. He didn't do his ministry for likes, comments, or popularity. He was SEND by God to spread the Message of the Kingdom.
Podcast on-the-GO for those of us on the GO. No matter where you are, TUNE into what is happening at my TABLE, I share my heart and mind on the things and matter and are important to me. My mission is to ignite hearts, and empower individuals to live a purpose-driven life. Check out FEATURED podcast HERE!
Every morning, allow yourself to be filled with inspiration and motivation from TABLE DELIGHT, DEVOTIONALS with spiritual reflection and insight that have the power to transform your mindset, uplift your spirit, giving you a renewed sense of purpose, and direction for the day ahead.
The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel is a daily plan that takes you through the whole Bible in just one year. It’s for anyone looking for a simple, structured way to read the Bible. Each day is broken down into short, bitesize readings: one Psalm or Proverb, one Old, and one New Testament reading, alongside commentary and practical insights from Nicky and Pippa. We would like to thank Youversion and Alpha International for providing this plan. For more information, please visit https://bible.alpha.org/en/
Over the course of 15 days, Paul David Tripp will remind you of God’s grace towards you—truths that never grow old. When “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms aren’t enough to make you new, learn to trust in God’s goodness, rely on His grace, and live for His glory each and every day. We would like to thank Youversion BIble Plan and Crossway for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.crossway.org/books/new-morning-mercies-hcj/
We are dedicated to inspiring and enlightening our readers through empowering articles and blogs. Our mission is to motivate and encourage you to take ACTION! motivate and inspire readers to ACTION !
Proverbs 1O for your Delight and Encouragement and other wise words from the book of Solomon...
When it comes to having FUN what do we prioritize and focus ON the most? What matters to you, and your well being? CHECK OUT my article, and self reflect while I share my…
As parents we are accountable to God for the way we raise our children. Train them up!
When the WORD of GOD is preached, from the pulpits, or even read in scriptures, seeds are being sown into our spirit man. Depending on the condition of our heart, we will either accept…
Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unproductive in the mornings? Do you wish you had more energy and motivation to tackle your day?
Words of Affirmation is a powerful love language, especially for children! Using words to affirm and encourage your child can have a profound impact on their emotional well-being, self-esteem, and relationship with you. Here…
When it comes to keeping things tidy and cleaning on the go, the key is finding simple and efficient strategies.
We recommend the public to grab a mentorship form, subscribe, adopt and choose Mentor Lena Joseph as their coach. She is a coach filled with wisdom, and always inspired by the Holy Spirit. She is a problem solver! nobody meets LENA and his or her life is not blessed and transformed.
Lena, the mentor has walked with me through the darkest times of my life. When no one else cared to be there, she took me under her wings, and helped me discover my identity, and find my purpose !
Firestarter Ignite has helped me grow, in my walk with Christ, and has helped me to stand, steadfast in my Faith. As a warrior Lena encourages believers to pick up their daily sword, and fight the darkness.
Lena did a great job creating the group and page. As a Fire-Starter herself, she does an amazing job getting others involved, loving the Lord, encouraging us daily, and allowing the Holy Spirit to fan into flame those gifts.
Everything around me began to crumble down, I decided to take my life, then I came in contact with Firestarter Ignite, and things turned around for me. Mrs. Lena transformed my life for the better. She has inspired my heart to breathe again, and I decided to give GOD a chance.
Lena, the mentor has helped me so much through my struggles as a individual, and a woman of FAITH. Not only has she helped me mentally, but physically she has prayed for me, through my darkest times. She comes along and provides the tools and resources needed to tackle the task. I've learned so much from the program. I am successfully running a prayer group which she has helped orchestrating, and START it. You won't go wrong with the services. Thank you Lena for all you do!
For she has been equipped to help and ignite with holy spirit fire like wildfire all the dormant parts that the Lord would have you have activated, to use it for His Ultimate Glory!!
GOD has really equipped this mighty WOG in faith, in knowledge, and in power. Let’s just say she is a GEM to the kingdom and you will truly understand that GOD has called her for this.
In tough times it was the only thing that got me through. Highly recommended! Lena is always there when you need her!
Igniting hearts on purpose and vision for a higher Calling to pursue Destiny and step into Purpose
email for more info
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