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Operations of the Gift

He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers
Eph. 4:11
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In order for God’s Kingdom to operate and function properly, GOD the creator GIFTED human race with certain abilities and talents, for the benefit of the body.

5 GIFT ( operation) in the BODY

GIFT 1 Apostles

ability to build, establish, uproot, and uphold the laws of the land.

So if you know your innate ability, or talent is to build, establish, or uphold, then thats your GIFT from God, use it to build his Kingdom. 

The word apostle most commonly refers to one of the 12 original disciples or followers of Jesus, to follow him, and to do what he did. 

GIFT 2 Prophets

ability to bring the word, in an effective manner, inflence or convince the audience, warn, edify, comfort, and proclaim God’s truth.

Prophets are God’s messengers to the world, they are to warn, proclaim, and comfort the people of God through encouragement and exhortation.

GIFT 3 Evangelists

Evangelists to preach the Gospel, and evangelize the Good News of Jesus, to spread information and to market JESUS to the outter skirts of the World.

The first woman evangelist was actually a woman at the well, who when she heard about Jesus, testified about the wonderful works of the Savior. Evangelists are to tell others about Christ, and what he has done for them.

GIFT 4 Pastors

Pastors to pastor the sheep, feed, nurture, tend to, care for, protect, and guide. Think of shepherds and their role in the pasture, or mothers in their sphere of influence, they are taking care of their tribe, tending to their flock, feeding, leading, guiding, training. 

GIFT 5 Teachers

Teachers to teach the principles, values, and the Word of God in its purest form.

Teachers are meek and patient with their students. Teachers teach, not beat others with a book over their heads. They introduce principles and values, and leave it up to the person, to practice what they have learned.

Purpose of the Gift is to use it

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

The perfecting of the Saints - To create Lions, not sheep. Sheep are constantly dependent upon the shephard, lions lead!

There is a territory that is assigned in the Kingdom, but  there is WORK to be done in the Kingdom, and all 5 opperations of the Gift are needed to expand the Kingdom.


perfecting, not being perfect.

to perfect is to bring to completion, into desired space. product, shape

perfection is an illusion. 

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ
Ephesians 4:13
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
Ephesians 4:15

Just as infants are developed into toddlers, children, teenagers, then adults, so are spiritual children of God.


Ignite & Empower

I hope you enjoyed this Topic and article. Thank you Rhina Leon for inspiring me to write on the TOPIC at hand.

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