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shared from the heart of God through various individuals, anointed writers, authors, and bloggers, including the renowned Seer, the Dreamer Daniel Okorie, and the prophetic singer/prophetess Jeannie. These prophetic words are meant to encourage, uplift, and guide you on a spiritual journey.
We usually hear it in the context of athletics, but it applies to all areas of life: “No pain, no gain.”
We tell our children that in order to make an A in a particular class subject they will have to sacrifice time spent on other activities and commit to studying. In order to have funds to live on in retirement, we have to sacrifice purchases now and commit to saving.
No matter what we gain in life, it requires sacrifice on our part. Early followers or disciples had to give up their living situations, to gain spiritual things of GOD. Was it easy? I think not! – Lena J
Following GOD, his plan and purpose for our lives is costly, but very much rewarding. When we give up our desires and pursuits, GOD in return fullfills and completes what he starts in us, and not only STARTS, he finishes! – Lena J
Everything that is valuable is sacrificial. When we give up one thing, we gain other benfits and treasures in return. -Lena J
Father in the name of Jesus, Thank You for this day. Give us this day our daily bread, physical and spiritual. Help us to remember to acknowledge You before making any major and minor decisions. Thank You for goodness and mercy following us all the days of our life. You had to convince Your early followers that any cost to following You would be rewarded later: “a hundredfold now in this time… and in the age to come, eternal life.” Such a commitment required trust. We know prioritizing You over family, friends, jobs, and property is a big decision. But You are always proving Yourself to be trustworthy, and just as the early disciples took You at Your word, we should as well Numbers 23:19. When the cost of following You seems to go up, bless us to remember the cost is light when considering the return. Paul reminds us, these light afflictions are but for a moment 2 Corinthians 4:17. Peter reminds us, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with You is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day 2 Peter 3:8. Your thoughts towards us are good, not evil Jeremiah 29:11. Heal those we hold dear to our heart. Comfort those who’re hurting from a troubled or broken relationship; and the loss of a loved one. Amen
“If God has given us a word, then why are we lingering for a sentence?! ”If God said it believe it!
2 Chronicles 5-7; Luke 14:25-27 ; Numbers 23:19 ; 2 Corinthians 4:17 ; 2 Peter 3:8; Jeremiah 29:11
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