While everyone is grinding, creating, and moving…at speed
it’s OK to take a moment to rest-replenish-regroup and recharge too.
Rest is an essential part of living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It allows our bodies and minds to recover and recharge from the stress and strain of daily activities and endless task. Getting enough rest can improve our memory, focus and creativity, while lack of rest can lead to a variety of negative consequences.
In addition to physical health benefits, rest can also improve our emotional well-being and help us better manage stress and anxious thoughts. Prioritizing rest is a vital aspect of taking care of ourselves and living a fulfilling and productive life.
I called my friend today to make sure she was taking good care of herself. I am that friend that is conserned and cares about her friends.
She has been going through ups and downs. I asked her if ate anything today? Her response was, I just had coffee today, and a few peanuts.
I use my knowledge to give her a few pointers and then I hear her moving around.
” You motivated me to do them things I wanted to leave until Monday.” so she got right on them
and I thought to myself, “here I am encouraging my sis to REST, and all along I need that advice for myself“. Because isn’t it like ourselves to give someone advice, when we need that very advice too?
I had been frustrated, tired, and even exhausted lately, snapping and even getting stressed out. So much is on my plate, but so little time to get it all done. Mentorship calls, housework, schoolwork, meetings, library trips, school trips, editing, engaging, posting, creating content, dinner. I mean I barely have time to lift my head up ( cultural slang )
I told her to rest, eat and not to worry about the things that needed to be done.
I found myself in her shoes. No I wasn’t fighting illness, or having hard time to get out of my bed, or having back to back doctors appointments, or not even able to eat properly, I had a share of load on my plate too.
Yes I slept good, yes I’m fine, my health is fine, kids are fine, housework done, but for some reason I felt
empty, like I didn’t want to do anything fun or even pamper myself like I normally would.
I found myself searching for things around the room to take care of, which by the way I didn’t have to look far, on the ministry side of things, I had guides to finish, my website to put together, or even book writing. YES I am writing a book, and not just ONE, a few. Slowly by surely, one step, one day at a time.
I had a lot of things that needed to be done, and I didn’t even know where to START.
What I needed was
I needed to take a moment to myself, to take care of ME. I NEEDED to put everything, and everyone to the side and put me FIRST. WHICH I haven’t done in a while. REST from doing anything work related. That includes content creating, editing, calling, and never ending housework. Thank God I got it done this morning…but that’s not the point.
What I lost. We give of ourselves so much, that we barely make time to replenish ourselves. To replenish, I read a good book, take a bubble bath, listen to soothing music, sit and enjoy the quiet, those are just some of the examples, whatever you find replenishes you, do that!
Sometimes things don’t go as planned, your child might not be feeling well, you might not be up to doing anything productive today, headache, you’re overwhelmed, had a loss, much confusion is in your mind, regrouping is the way to go. To come together again, to come back STRONGER! GO back to that last thing you did, and START there!
Just like our phones, computers, need a charge, we do too. We can’t be running on empty, expecting the world to cater to us. We must take note, and recharge when necessary.
to let go
to cease motion, to STOP and think to myself
If I don’t take care of myself, who will? The kids will get home and endless questions and requests will come to my doorstep. The day will resume as normal, situations will come up, circumstances will probably make their way anyway. Tomorrow will have it’s own share of troubles.
If I don’t stop and cease, or let go, no one else will do it for me.
So I stopped! And without looking around I went straight to my Bath Room to take a bubble bath, to read, and to unwind, to shave, to paint my nails, to do my facial, and to take a deep breath, and thank God for making this knowledge available to me.
And sis, after having done so, I am ready !
And it only took an Hour of my time. An hour that is so costly, that if I don’t pay attention, may COST me in the long run.
Sis it’s important to take care of you.
At home; the dishes will be there, laundry will still be there, children will always be there, creation can wait, social media can be put on pause.
At work; not everyone is your problem, not everything can be taken care of, there will be mistakes, someone will always have a bad day, and problems have their own way of fixing themselves.
In ministry; people will always need you, but YOU need YOU too, writing can wait, and ministry work can be put on pause.
In business, it’s OK to take a break, and recharge yourself, so you can be better for yourself and others.
Sis take care of you so you can be fully rested and ready for the world around you. Because if you don’t take care of you, who will?
And it is then, I realized, I needed this break sis, I needed this REST sis, and reading I know you need this break too.
Find that time, and if you don’t have time, prioritize your important task and make it happen.
The world needs a healthy version of you!
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