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shared from the heart of God through various individuals, anointed writers, authors, and bloggers, including the renowned Seer, the Dreamer Daniel Okorie, and the prophetic singer/prophetess Jeannie. These prophetic words are meant to encourage, uplift, and guide you on a spiritual journey.

Then Queen Esther answered and said, “If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it pleases the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request.
Esther 7:3


Special Thanks to Vivian Latimer the writer of this article, and Frank Joseph for contributing this article to my site. She is joyful to share what God places on her heart and is excited to see others read what she shares, Frank is happy to share as well.
Lena Joseph
Blogger, Writer and Editor
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Inspiration by Vivian Latimer

Your Voice matters!

Good Morning ☀️
Then Queen Esther answered and said, “If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it pleases the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request.
Esther 7:3
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In the battle for civil rights for African American citizens in America, three names stand out: Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr. Each, in their own way, stood out against racial prejudice and helped change the course of American history.



February 1817 or 1818

February 20, 1895



” Fredrick Douglass was an American social reformerabolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. He became the most important leader of the movement for African-American civil rights in the 19th century.”  sourced @ WIKIPEDIA – Lena J

Sources at Wikipedia tell us that Rosa Parks – an american civil rights Activist of 19th Century often voiced her thoughts and spoke her mind.  Parks recalled going to elementary school in Pine Level, where school buses took white students to their new school and Black students had to walk to theirs.


February 4, 1913 

October 24, 2005

I’d see the bus pass every day … But to me, that was a way of life; we had no choice but to accept what was the custom. The bus was among the first ways I realized there was a Black world and a white world.” – Lena J


and finally a HEROIC MAN that made HISTORY, and is a LEGEND TO THIS DAY among many African American Heros, whom we celebrate today; JAN 15TH, 2024


January 15, 1929-

April 4, 1968

Baptist Minister, and activist who non-vilently protested against injustice of black people. Growing up he had a white friend whom his parents refused to play with young Martin, because of his color. “we are white, and you are colored ” which King would later state made him “determined to hate every white person”. His parents instructed him that it was his Christian duty to love everyone. 

-Lena J

Your voice matters! No matter where you stand; a young boy, middle aged man, or an elderly your voice holds weight, and it is important that you STAND by your truth! – Lena Joseph

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Father in Jesus name, Thank You for this day. Give us this day our daily bread. Deliver us from evil. Grant us the courage and strength to do Your will in our lives today. With Your help we can surely make a difference. I called to remembrance a young Jewish girl named Esther changed the world when she was made queen of Persia. A courtier of the king hatched a plan to kill all the Jews in Persia, and Esther risked her life by exposing the plan to the king, saving her people from certain genocide. She realized You had given her a voice, and she spoke up (Esther 4:14). Another example was Nehemiah who approached the Persian king (after the events of Esther) for permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city, another risky request, which was granted. It’s been proven throughout history, One person can change the course of history in a day. You have given us a place and a voice to stand for You (2 Timothy 1:7). Heal our sick and comfort the bereaved.

Scriptures to READ

Ruth 1 – 4; Nehemiah 2:1-6; The book of Esther

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