for the Soul & Spirit

A Collection of Delights for the Soul and Spirit from my Table to yours to ignite and empower GREATNESS from within

ignite with fire from within

Ventured out to write a book about my life, and sharing my thoughts, ended up picking up my calling, and stepping into Destiny

Discover your treasure, feed your spirit, enlighten your soul, and be encouraged through my reads 


As we begin a new year, many of us make resolutions, but few weeks later, they're left on the back burner. Why? Because it's not the plan or decision to start that yields results, but the action behind it.

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It doesn’t matter where you start; what’s important is staying consistent and finishing strong. If you started with the book of Genesis, stay with it, read, meditate, one chapter at a time, then move on to the next. If you need guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your pastor, leader, or mentor. They’re there to support you until you can read through the Bible with confidence.

Recommended starting points include

Psalms: For encouragement and wisdom
Matthew: For a glimpse into Jesus’ life and teachings
Proverbs: For practical wisdom and guidance

You can also check out my podcast episodes on Psalms and Proverbs for inspiration.

Remember, it's not about competition or a race; it's about learning, self-awareness, application, and living out your faith. I started with Proverbs, and it became one of my favorite books in the Bible. I can't put it down - there are so many treasures within!

As you read, take time to:
Reflect on what you’ve learned
Journal your thoughts and insights
Pray and ask God to guide you
Share what you’ve learned with others

Keep going, stay consistent, and you’ll reach your destination in time. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a day or two – simply get back on track and keep moving forward.
Happy reading and blessings!

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