Psalm Delight

for the Soul & Spirit

Experience the power of the Book of Psalms, a collection of words that inspire prayer, worship, and praise. Find hope, connection, and fulfillment in God’s love.

Psalm 105 | Psalm of Praise

" Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done."
Psalm 105:1

 The earth 🌎 heavens, and everything in it, glorifies the King of kings, Lord of lords.

I can’t help but testify ! 

Tell all about the wonderful works he has done in my life ! 

Who are we that he’s mindful of us, who are we that he takes note of us?

What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them[b] a little lower than the angels and crowned them[d] with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet.
Psalm 8: 4-6

When our heart is filled with gratitude there is no room for complaint, when we are thankful and grateful, all we see are blessings of the Lord.  There’s no room for doubt, fear cannot live here, intimidation, pride, and arrogance flees. When God is in the midst, everything bows down to his name.

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Let's Pray

God, I thank you! For your provision, protection, and direction. God, I thank you for my girls, my hubby, our home, health, well being in every area of my life. For reliable transportation, constant job, and financial flow, for my ministry, our families, friends, connections, and even acquaintances. God, I thank you for Grace, your mercy, forgiveness, love, and compassion towards us humankind. God, I thank you for the second chance, third, fourth, and even fifth. God, I thank you for your SON, for eternal life, for redemption, salvation, and freedom. God, I can’t help but be grateful for every single moment, good and bad, fortunate and unfortunate, circumstantial, and non-circumstantial, situational and none, problematic, challenging, and even those moments I misunderstood. All things work together for my good. All evil that was done to me, intentional or none, has been noted by you, and you are my avenger, rock, and fortress. I’m thankful that you see, hear, discern, and warn. I’m thankful and grateful for who you’ve created me to be. How you’ve positioned me in place, to rule, reign, and dominate over my giants, mountains, springs, and valleys. God from the bottom of my heart I just want to THANK YOU!! 

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