IGNITE from within with Vision Pursuit Purpose |

Where hearts ignite with purpose and vision for a higher Calling to pursue Destiny and step into Purpose. 


Scriptures to think about and memorize on a daily basis, be encouraged and empowered though God’s WORD. 

Spiritual Exploration
Development & Growth

Hello, I'm Lena, passionate Mentor, and writer dedicated to helping others "discover their spark and fan it into a flame."  I'm driven by a dream that has awakened my passion and pursuit of my Purpose and Calling. 

Sunny Adventures

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With a heart for empowering others, I share inspiring stories, practical tips, and personal insights to fuel your journey; integrating faith, purpose, and growth, into my writing and blogging. My mission is to empower and guide individuals on their journey of self discovery, spiritual transformation, and purpose driven life, helping unlock full potential, to shine their individual light. 

Podcast Delight

Sword Hour

Join me in my Sword Room, a Podcast on-the-go for spiritual Warriors like you and me. As a Sunday School Teacher, and a fellow busy bee, I created this space to help us stay sharp and focused on or faith journey, in the midst of life's ups and downs. Tune in for inspiring discussions on scripture, hear my thoughts, spiritual growth, and practical applications to empower you for life's battles. My mission is to sharpen spiritual Warriors for Battle through knowledge, application, and prayer. Let's sharpen our swords together, and become the Warriors God calls us to be.

Podcast Delight

Firestarter Ignite

Podcast on the Go, derived from my Journey of Life, and personal Studies. Featuring Encouragement & Delight for the Soul and Spirit. I share what's on my heart, and mind, and hope to offer insight, in the midst of DAILY battles of life, to those listening, and passing by. My goal is to ignite fires, empower lives, and transform hearts, to pursue Purpose, & reach Destiny.

Listen on the GO!

Stories | Reflection | Insight

Blog for the Soul & Spirit

Explore the intersection of faith and everyday life, and find inspiration to live with intention, compassion, and joy through my writing & blogging on Site about the things that matter to me! 

Blog Delight

Articles on Various topics and subjects

Empowering content to spark passion, inspire dreams, and make a difference

Home & Essentials

Practical Tips and inspiring ideas

Creating a warm and welcoming space to bring joy and positivity to your home

Beauty & Wellness

Tips, tricks, and inspiration

Skincare, hair care, workouts, and self-care secrets to help you shine inside and out

Faith & Inspiration

Thoughts & Reflections

Explore the intersection of faith and everyday life, and find inspiration to live with intention, compassion, and joy

Kitchen Delight

Favorite Recipes and Cooking tips

From my kitchen to yours! My favorite recipes and cooking tips

Explore more

Parenting & Thriving

Blogs, tools, and resources

Support, connect, and empower each other through the ups and downs of parenting & the joys and lows of everyday life and journey


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Where hearts ignite with purpose and vision for a higher Calling to pursue Destiny and step into Purpose. 

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© Firestarter-Ignite 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Created with Royal Elementor Addons & Hosted by IONOS

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