Parenting Space |

Positive space to share experience,  find encouragement, and share wisdom within a Community or Group with like interest, and experience. 

Here we believe that a journey  taken together is worth taking. Whether you are a new parent, or a more seasoned parent, this is a space where we can support, encourage, and understand one another. Join us as we navigate the joys and challenges of raising little ones. Together we can create a thriving community that uplifts and empowers each other on this incredible parenting journey. 

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-Parenting Tips and Advice

-Inspirational Blogs and Articles

HOT TOPICS discussed in the GROUP 

– Beauty essentials, working out routines, skin regiment for a better, fit version of YOU! 

– Self care practices for a glow up and more loving YOU~!

and so much more! 


Be sure to answer all Questions before joining, applications with no answers will not be accepted! Participation and Engagement is REQUIRED in the Group ! 

What's New

Each Week a Parent is Selected and Celebrated in the GROUP by an Admin and Moderators of the Group.  This can be someone that is noticed for their excellence, progress, or  engagement, in the GROUP! 

We honor and celebrate those who put forth the effort in making a difference in other people's lives, even if it's your own children. So be on the LOOK-OUT for Parents Spotlight !! You must be a MEMBER to PARTICIPATE! 

We have our FIRST LIVE in the Group, this Saturday May 4th, 2024 . To join you must be a MEMBER of the GROUP! 

We will FEATURE various Devotions in the GROUP

Devotions are DEVOTED Readings in a form of a BOOK, publication, guide, or Short STORY with scriptiral reading for meditation, prayer, and reflection. 


This week we will be FEATURING Love Languages. { In Group Devotional READ }


The 5 Love Languages is a concept developed by Gary Chapman that suggests that people express and receive love in different ways, which he calls “love languages.”
Here in this Devotional we are going to unpack the 5 main Love languages in the upcoming days in one of our groups! Understanding your own and your child’s love language can help you communicate your love and needs more effectively, as well as strengthen your relationship.

We also STARTED 'THRIVE' Devotional Series for MOMS 5 Day Guide about a week ago. 

A Spiritual Guide to living and thriving in God's Purpose. The 'Skills To Thrive' focuses on getting equipped with the right skills and learning you need to walk in God's purpose for your life.


Each Week a TOPIC is selected. This can be any subject that is discussed throughoutly in the GROUP, particularly those matters that are HOT in the GROUP. 

The content of such TOPICS will be shared here, but the FULL extend of the TOPIC will be discussed in the GROUP.

Coming SOON! 

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Devotional Plans to Join...
NEW Devotional READ!
Languages of LOVE
The 5 Love Languages is a concept developed by Gary Chapman that suggests that people express and receive love in different ways, which he calls “love languages.”
Here in this Devotional we are going to unpack the 5 main Love languages in the upcoming days in one of our groups! Understanding your own and your child’s love language can help you communicate your love and needs more effectively, as well as strengthen your relationship with each other.

 Devotional Plan via Parenting and Thriving Group for providing this plan.

You must be a MEMBER of the group to participate, the classes are self paced at your own time, and convenience.  

Be sure to answer all Questions before joining, applications with no answers will not be accepted! Participation and Engagement is REQUIRED in the Group ! 

The ‘THRIVE’ Devotional Series is a guide to living and thriving in God’s Purpose. The ‘Mindset To Thrive’ focuses on developing the right kind of mindset you need to walk in God’s purpose for your life.

Credit to Families Arising for this Devotional Plan via YouVersion Bible for providing this plan

Self paced at your own time, and convenience.  

You must HAVE a YOUVERSION account to participate, devotionals are self paced, at your own time, and convenience.  

The ‘THRIVE’ Devotional Series is a guide to living and thriving in God’s Purpose. The ‘Skills To Thrive’ focuses on getting equipped with the right skills and learning you need to walk in God’s purpose for your life.

Credit to Families Arising for this Devotional Plan via YouVersion Bible for providing this plan

You must be a MEMBER of the group to participate, the classes are self paced at your own time, and convenience.  

Be sure to answer all Questions before joining, applications with no answers will not be accepted! Participation and Engagement is REQUIRED in the Group ! 

Why, Lord…why? Many people tend to experience frustration in one way or another. Many don’t understand why “God allows” this or that situation… This is why I’d like to take you along the footsteps of the apostle Paul in a journey to discover more about the Bible’s answer to frustration.

Credit to for this Devotional Plan via YouVersion Bible for providing this plan

You must HAVE a YOUVERSION account to participate, devotionals are self paced, at your own time, and convenience.  

Arise, Little Warrior! is a devotional with prayer and scripture, curated for younger children and designed to help them develop a relationship with the Lord. The devotional is also designed to assist children build a prayer life and encourage the Word of God to become a foundation in their spiritual development.

Do you have a little girl or boy that can use this information? JOIN this PLAN with me! 

Credit and thanks to Gabrielle Marcia and YouVersion  for providing this plan.

You must HAVE a YOUVERSION account to participate, devotionals are self paced, at your own time, and convenience.  

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