HOME & Essentials

Practical tips and inspiring ideas to create a warm and welcoming space, bringing joy and positivity to your home.

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Art of Cleaning on the Move!

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When it comes to keeping things tidy and clean on the go, the key is finding simple and efficient strategies

 Ahh cleaning can be such a daunting task. No matter how much we clean, there’s always something else to clean, or take care of.  A common challenge many of us face! When it comes to keeping things tidy and clean, Here are some tips to help keep things tidy, even if you’re always on the go.

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Whether you’re picking up a sponge or sweeping the floors, there’s nothing like upbeat music, an engaging podcast, or even a captivating show to make cleaning feel less of a chore. So why not turn up the tunes or press play on that latest episode? It’s the perfect way to infuse some fun and energy into your cleaning routine! Here are a few of my favorite!

These are not sponsored videos.  All these selections are simply my favorites and I don’t have any rights to them

Some Tips and Tricks to making your experience a BIT more enjoyable

From quick cleanups to multitasking hacks, get ready to discover the secrets of staying neat and orginized no matter where life takes you. Grab your cleaning supplies, have some on handy, close by, and lets dive into the world of cleaning on the go.



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Keep supplies handy: Have some basic supplies nearby, cleaning wipes and sprays, vaccum, broom, and other cleaning essentials, be sure they are filled up, and ready to go, for quick wipes and cleanups. 


Utilize waiting time: Make the most  of your time. Those moments when you are waiting for something, like cooking a meal, or waiting on the laundry to finish washing. Use that time to tidy up your space and  surroundings. I do this by wiping counters, quick wipedown of tables, and or a quick sweep up of the floors. Saves me that much more time to do more productive things in my day. 


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Break it down, or categorize. Instead of trying to clean everything at once, focus on small and proverbial tasks that can be done quickly. For example a few dishes in the sink, or a quick sweepdown of the area. Don’t let them pile up, tackle those first, you’ll thank me later. 

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Multitask: Look for opportunities to combine tasks with other activities. For instance listen to daily podcast or devotionals, vlog to catch up on, or call up a friend. It can make the cleaning process more enjoyable, and less daunting. 

Until next time,

Remember the KEY is to find small pockets of time, and make the most of them.  Happy cleaning on the go with your newfound efficient schedule!

Ignite & Empower

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