Explore the intersection of faith and everyday life, and find inspiration to live with intention, compassion, and joy
Ventured out to write a book about my life, and sharing my thoughts, ended up picking up my calling, and stepping into Destiny
Discover your treasure, feed your spirit, enlighten your soul, and be encouraged through my reads
Parable: Analogy with a spiritual message and meaning.
READ Luke 15:21-22
Are you doing what this son did, telling your Father everything you’ve done wrong, how unworthy you are of His love?
Can I tell you that God is not listening? You’re wasting your breath.
The moment you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you and then He forgot your sins. You’re not worthy because of what you did, or didn’t do. You’re worthy only because of what Jesus did for you, on the cross. If you keep asking Him to forgive you and keep telling Him you’re unworthy, He tunes all that out. If you want God to listen to you, start speaking the language of faith in today’s prayer.
On this episode we dive into the meaning of parables, its purpose, and the story of the Prodigal Son taught by Jesus to his followers.
Tune in, learn, and discover treasures.
Parable: Analogy with a spiritual message and meaning.
Perhaps you know the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. When he returned home after having wasted his father’s inheritance on wild living and partying, he passionately started pouring out his genuine remorse, but his father wasn’t listening. He was calling his staff to kill the fatted calf for a party and declaring, “My son was lost and now he’s found!”
Father, thank You that Your mercy is bigger than my mistakes. Thank You that You are not holding my past against me. Thank You that I am forgiven. Thank You that I’m redeemed because of what Jesus did on the cross. I’m coming boldly to Your throne right now. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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