Scriptures to meditate upon and inspire us to live a life with purpose, hope and joy. I believe that faith has the power to fuel our passions, guide our decisions, and transform our lives.
Run and not grow weary, walk, and not faint ! With perseverance and determination, not giving up, but looking forward with strength and courage, embracing the journey ahead!
In other words ! Don't hide your light under a bushel; let it radiate and inspire, so that all may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven...
Today, I embarked on a digital decluttering mission and deleted over 10,000 email messages lingering in my inbox. You know, those emails you intend to get to 'when you have the time' - the…
David, a man after God's own heart, is pleading before God. He is praying a prayer of Cleansing, a prayer of Repentance...
Proverbs 3 📣 Wisdom benefits and instructions for long life, good years, peace and prosperity... more
Proverbs 2 and its profound meaning and inspiration, including the benefits of Wisdom, the way of the wise, and it's delights, plus rebuke... more
Proverbs 1 and its profound meaning and inspiration, including what is Proverbs, who is it for, and wisdom's rebuke. What happens when we choose to disregard wisdom?
The cost of wisdom and instruction for delight & encouragement, Solomon's advice to the young, and to the wise, the married, and relationships in general...more
Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, people are standing in lines, filling up parking lots, cutting through traffic, absolutely insane, the night before Valentine's day...
While everyone is grinding, creating, and speed it's OK to rest-replenish-regroup and recharge too.
" Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Igniting hearts on purpose and vision for a higher Calling to pursue Destiny and step into Purpose
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