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ignite with fire from within

Ventured out to write a book about my life, and sharing my thoughts, ended up picking up my calling, and stepping into Destiny

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Learning Without Limits

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning
Proverbs 9:9

Instruction is an outline or a manual of technical procedure

To teach is to impart knowledge by precept, example, or experience

Have you ever seen a child put together a puzzle, or Lego blocks, or anything that requires instructions? I have! As a mom I’ve put plenty of puzzles together, with my children, and plenty of Lego blocks and even put together projects for my house. 

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There are two types of people in this world

 There are those that will take out an instruction manual, and follow it to a tee.


those who will try to wing it ( try to piece the puzzle without an instruction manual ).

 The ones who read instructions, are likely to finish the puzzle, or to create a finished Lego piece, while the other will try to wing it, get frustrated, and might even give up. 

  I have seen a child get so excited about putting the blocks together, until things don’t work out for them. They will throw all those blocks to the side, and run away. Instead of asking for help, they will be frustrated, angry, somewhere in the corner pouting.

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When you give instructions to a wise man, and he is willing to follow the instructions, he is likely to become wiser. Teach that same man a better way to do something, and he will increase in his level of understanding. He will not make excuses, or try to act all powerful. NO he will humble himself, and receive instructions, because he knows knowledge will bring him revelation, and insight.

Sometimes we think we know it all, and God lets us, but when we run into a dead corner, we find that we didn’t know much at all. Humility is the key here, accepting help when you need it, reaching out when things seem unclear. Like a frustrated child, run to your father, and seek his face, he will calm all of your fears, and wipe your tears away.


Instructions for Christian Living 

Ephesians 4 

Paul the Apostle formally known as Saul gives instructions to Gentiles in the church of Ephesis. Gentiles ARE newborn Christians who don’t quite know or understand all that is to know about Christianity, christian walk, and GOD. They bring a worldly perspective and futile thinking into the church thinking that is the correct way, when it isn’t. They must LEAVE the old way of living and to become new in Christ, ONLY then can they function and operate corretly in the body

1. HUMILITY :  Be humble and gentle. 

2. PATIENCE : Be patient, bearing one another in love.

3. UNITY : Make every effort to keep Peace. 




4. RENEWAL OF MIND: Don’t live as Gentiles do, in the foolishness of their thinking, renew your mind daily in the word of GOD.  

5. DAILY SACRIFICE : Put off your old self  ( former way of life ) and put on new self ( attitude of mind and spirit ) in righteousness and holiness. 

6. HOLINESS: Put off falsehood and corrupt speaking, and instead be honest and speak truth.  

7. DISCERNMENT : Do not sin in your anger, do not give the devil a foothold. 

8. PRINCIPLE: Don’t steal, work with your hands  

9. EXHORTATION : Building up others! 

10. CHARACTER : Get rid of bitterness, rage and anger, slander, malice. 

11. FORGIVENESS: Be compassionate and forgiving towards one another just as Christ forgave you. 


Paul speaks to those of us who are still a bit worldly, lukewarm, childish in our futile thinking, desiring to please GOD but still taste a bit of the world too. We cannot sit at the TABLE of GOD, and the devil too. 


Lord help me today, to accept your guidance, and direction, and to follow your instructions. When I think I know it all, help me to walk in humility, and accept wisdom from you, and those that you send, to me. I desire to increase in knowledge, and desire to increase in my understanding. Help me today Lord, and guide me along the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS, for your name sake.  Forgive me for pouting, and not following instructions, when I needed to follow them. Help me LORD, give me another chance. Thank you for your GRACE, that extends to me, even when I don’t deserve it, AMEN!

Ignite & Empower

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