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Love is in the air

For God so loved the world, that he gave his one, and only son, that whosoever believes in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

23 Billion dollars is spend on Valentine’s Holiday in USA ALONE” ! According to, male respondents say ” they plan to spend an average of $339 on their spouse or partner“. 

Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, people are standing in lines, filling up parking lots, cutting through traffic, absolutely insane, the night before Valentine’s day. Some have a basket-full of things, others just a few things, last minute items perhaps, or like me, last minute shoppers?

We celebrate Valentine’s Day to honor love and affection. It’s a special day dedicated to expressing our feelings for the people we care about. Whether it’s romantic love or the love we have for friends and family, Valentine’s Day gives us an opportunity to show appreciation, and make meaningful connections. It’s a day to celebrate the joy and warmth that love brings into our lives.

23 Billion dollars is spend on Valentines Holiday in US ALONE” ! According to, male respondents say ” they plan to spend an average of $339 on their spouse or partner“. 

In my opinion that’s a lotta expenses and a lot of empathesis put on a holiday that should be expressed everyday. 

 Years ago I and my husband decided not to overspend, and overburden ourselves on a DAY, that we celebrate everyday. So we got each other small gifts of appreciation instead. I bought small sentimental things, that I knew would put a smile on my husband’s face, whether I got it for him on Valentines DAY, or any other day, as well as candy baskets for my girls.

A  few days prior to Valentines day, we talked about the meaning of this holiday, and how we are NOT going to overspend on this day, but find meaningful ways to express our appreciation for one another everyday

this particular day stands out to me,  

FEBRUARY 14, 2020

Early in the morning, while he was still in the shower, I knocked on the door, and announced that delivery was coming through, then I slipped a single rose through the cracks, and waited for response. Here come out my handsome husband giggling, like a child, smiling ear to ear. He knew it meant something, we had just talked about this, and it didn’t have to be anything big or expensive, to see that smile light up the entire room, as well as my heart.

Why spend millions of dollars on this holiday, when you can shower your love any day, every day of the week?

” Valentine’s Day occurs every February 14 across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. 

In my home, we don’t necessarily celebrate Valentine’s Day as the world celebrates it, because of it’s brutal origin, and history, we celebrate AGAPE LOVE Holiday instead. In other words, we celebrate Christ’s LOVE for each other by exressing Christ love for each other.

Why? Because we can! Who decides what we should, and should not celebrate anyway? We are believers and we do not fit in with the world, we create our own rules, and pave out highways. 

An International Ministry, PBIM ( Pastor Bella International Ministries) that is dear to my heart, says it like this. 


MARK 12: 30-31

JOHN 3:16 

JOHN 15:13


As a GG, and WGG  I know the importance of God’s LOVE for us, and the SACRIFICE that was made on the CROSS.  


Jesus, the son of GOD, demonstrated that LOVE on the CROSS for you and I

No greater love than this, than a man who lays down his life for his friends. Christ Jesus our LORD, and our Savior! We love, because he FIRST loved us. John 15:13; 1 John 4:19

So instead of running around like a crazy chicken, remind your loved ones how much you appreciate them, but don’t go overboard, trying to prove your love to them. LOVE is not EXPENSIVE gifts, or diamonds, love is not words, or promises, Love is not affection, or feelings, but rather the sacrifice we make through the CROSS, in the shape of the CROSS.

The biblical definition that I like to go by is THIS

” Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails!

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 

Taking that one extra step, doing that one extra deed, being patient when you desire to be hasty instead, showing kindness rather, than hate and hostility, hope for the future, trust with confidence, persevere through trials, and fires, protect and pray through struggles. Honor each other, love each other deeply, as CHRIST loves us

and have yourself a wonderful day every day!

To my Hubby,

I appreciate your kind words and actions every single day, every coffee cup that you’ve poured early in the morning and every cup of tea poured late at night, every kiss, and every hug, every single kind regard, text message, but most importanly the sacrifice that you make for myself and our children everyday, it does not go unnoticed, and unappreciated, I love you more than words can say, Happy Agape LOVE baby!


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