Proverbs Delight

for the Soul and Spirit

Discover the power of God’s Word in Proverbs, where wisdom meets spiritual insight. Guidance, inspiration, and transformation await in its sacred pages of God’s Word

ignite with fire from within

Ventured out to write a book about my life, and sharing my thoughts, ended up picking up my calling, and stepping into Destiny

Discover your treasure, feed your spirit, enlighten your soul, and be encouraged through my reads 

The Author?!

Who wrote the BOOK of PROVERBS ?

 Solomon, son of David, King of Israel, the wisest man that ever lived, he was wealthy and rich. He owned vineyards, fields, cows and anything you can think of 

AND others

SOURCED ” Navigating the BIBLE”  5 Minute Guide 

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom is having the ability to know and understand what is right, true, or lasting.

For WHO?

To teach whoever is willing; understanding, and discipline.  revealing his miraculous powers, and wonders.

  • For gaining understanding and instruction; for understanding words of insight; 
  • for receiving instruction in good and healthy behavior, doing what is right, just and fair; 
  • for the simple, for the young, wise, and not so wise.  discretion to the young. 
  • for understanding wise sayings, parables, and riddles of the wise.

Proverbs On the MOVE!

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Empowering content that awakens the soul and spirit from within and helps reach full potential to bring hope to troubling situations and circumstances. Wise words and saying from the wisdom of Solomon THE wisest MAN to ever live. Reading the BOOK of Proverbs can truly be a life-changing experience. Every morning, allow yourself to be filled with inspiration and motivation from Proverbs-Delight.



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