Parable Delight

illustrative stories with spiritual messages behind them

Jesus often illustrated his point through parables. Its PURPOSE is that seeing they [the doubters, unbelievers, hypocrites] may not see, and hearing they may not hear, but ONLY the ones who have a spiritual eye, and ear of the KINGDOM.

Parables are KINGDOM analogies designed to convey a spiritual message.

This KINGDOM is operated by FAITH, and not by SIGHT.

MANY do not know what a KINGDOM is, and how it is OPERATED! In order to walk in the KINGDOM we must have the KNOWLEDGE of the KINGDOM, and the KEY to enter in is FAITH


This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
Matthew 13:13

Jesus used everyday things and matters to teach his followers a valuable lesson. It is fascinating to see how even the most mundane details can be transformed into something meaningful when used in the right context. He would use simple things and common ingredients,  like bread, wheat, and yeast to help folks better understand what he was trying to say, and relate to it.

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