Testimony of Jesus

Intro to Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew is set up of 28 chapters painting a different perspective of the gospel STORY, all telling an account of Jesus, revealing his miraculous powers, and wonders, from one chapter to the next.


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The Author?!

Who wrote the BOOK of MATTHEW ?

Matthew – Earliest records claim that Matthew the tax collector wrote the Gospel Story and shared it from his perspective.

SOURCED ” Navigating the BIBLE”  5 Minute Guide 

For WHO?

Anyone desiring to know an in-depth STORY of JESUS; from different authors, and accounts; recollection of Stories, miracles, signs and wonders. 


The Gospel is set up of  four groundbreaking books OF THE BIBLE painting a different perspective of the gospel STORY, all telling an account of Jesus, revealing his miraculous powers, and wonders, from one chapter to the next. 

Three years ago God put a desire in my heart, to study the Gospels, with my family. Every weekend we would set time aside, and read a chapter or two, but not just read, DISCUSS the chapters together by sharing thoughts and ideas with one another. I wanted to set foundation for my children, and so I took on innitiative to do just that.

Growing up I did not have basic knowledge of scripture, or understand basic consepts of faith, and as a result I was led astray and devoured by the enemy. I lived with one foot in the world, tasting pleasures, and entertaining my soul, all the while feeling empty and unsatisfied. [You can refer to my Testimony] I sincerely regretted that I did not make time to study my word, so I made it of much importance to set the foundation for my children.

It’s important that we set foundation for our children, so they can follow in the way and righeoiusness of GOD.
” Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from the truth.” Proverbs 22:6

 After a few years of challenges, and consistant reading, and discussion, we have finished the entire GOSPEL book of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We are NOW on the book of Corinthians learning and growing as a family grounded in scripture, setting foundation for our future, and the futures of our children. We have decided to STUDY the first four books of the NEW TESTEMENT together as a family, because I believe these four books are foundational books every believer should read with their family.

Not only are we gaining knowledge of the scripture, we are enjoying each other, and are growing together as a family, sharpening our spiritual knowledge and understanding of scripture. This brings so much joy to my heart, and I love nothing more than to watch my children grow spiritually in the things of God.

I have put together a  2 Week Guide Study on 4 GROUNDING BOOKS OF THE GOSPEL that you can also follow along with your family.

I then made this study available to my private Group Sword Study Delight  Community on FB, and we have just finished the entire book of Matthew.

I try my best to be available to those who are seeking the LORD, and are desiring to grow and develop spiritually. 

I will also be sharing STUDY Guide along with the study, when I finish it, constructed by the leading of the Holy Spirit for easier access, and in depth study. Anyone from beginner, to a more seasoned beliver walk can benefit from the STUDY.

Study for your delight at your own time, and pace. All four books are  in ONE place right here on my STUDY PAGE.

I hope you will take this opportunity to sharpen your weapons; knowledge and understanding of scripture, as well as apply priciples and values of the KINGDOM to daily life and affairs. The days are EVIL and battles are raging we MUST sharpen our weapons for battle ahead.  

Here are a few sample pages of the BOOKS for your delight, and a few resources to get you started. I had recorded the study for those on the GO, via PODCAST as well.  FIRESTARTER-IGNITE available at your convinience and delight. Join the study ROOM SWORD STUDY DELIGHT  for further discussion, insight and community.

Would you Like to JOIN the STUDY GROUP ?

SHARPENING Of sword and putting on a full ARMOR