Verse of the Day

Let faith fuel your inspiration & ignite your creativity, motivation, and purpose.

Scriptures to meditate upon and inspire believers to live a life with purpose, hope and joy.  I believe that faith has the power to fuel our passions, guide our decisions, and transform our lives.  

Remain Integral | Feb 7, 2025

As Paul approaches the end of his missionary journey, he reflects on his ministry among the Ephesian believers. In this poignant farewell, he emphasizes his sincere service to the Lord, marked by humility, emotional depth, and perseverance amidst trials.

Daily Bread | Feb 2, 2025

Stop asking for a house, car, new clothes, ask for daily bread. That which is needed for a Day. God will provide for your daily needs, don't you worry!

God Hears Us | Jan 27, 2025

✨️ This verse means that we can lay all our concerns in prayer before the Lord, and surrender them to Him, and watch and wait expectantly for what He will do with them. When we pray God hears. He is always listening. ✨

The Kingdom | Jan 23, 2025

✨️ Matthew 13:44 NIV “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." So precious, That a man has to sell all he had, to buy that field. ✨️

Purpose Prevails | Jan 22, 2025

✨️ We plan, we strategize, we draw out the details, but what God designs for us, will in the end come to pass. If you're worried today that things aren't going the way you expected them to, or you are uncertain about your future, God has a great plan for you and I✨️

Do not fear| Jan 14, 2025

✨️ When a little child crosses the road, they do not look to the right or to the left, they simply rely on their parents to guide them. ✨️

Whose Approval do you seek? | Jan 3, 2025

Paul's focus was on pleasing God, not people. He didn't do his ministry for likes, comments, or popularity. He was SEND by God to spread the Message of the Kingdom.

Do not conform to the World | Jan 2, 2025

Just as a seamstress follows a specific pattern to sew clothing, so should a believer follow Christ pattern!

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How to Memorize Scriptures

Inspired by YouVersion Bible Plan ” Not Okay” 
Today, let’s try something a little different. Let’s see if you can memorize a verse just by reading it. Read the verse a few times, start trying to memorize it, and spend today reflecting on what it says and why it matters.
For Example
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Break the scripture down by parts, memorize the first part, then when you are confident move on to the second portion and third, before you know it, you will memorize the entire scripture. I use this method with my Sunday school class, and it works quite well. We are to hide God’s Word in our hearts, so when the time comes we will be able to recite it without the Bible. Psalm 119:11
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See how much of the passage you have remembered from the last two weeks. Repeat it until you can say it without looking. Take a ten-minute walk, and repeat the passage to yourself for the entire walk.


Do not fear| Jan 14, 2025

✨️ When a little child crosses the road, they do not look to the right or to the left, they simply rely on their parents to guide them. ✨️

Whose approval do you seek?

Paul's focus was on pleasing God, not people. He didn't do his ministry for likes, comments, or popularity. He was SEND by God to spread the Message of the Kingdom.

Do not conform to the World

Just as a seamstress follows a specific pattern to sew clothing, so should a believer follow Christ pattern!

New Creation

Are you a new believer, maybe a long time believing Christian? No matter where you are in your season of life, God instructs us to renew our minds,

Nothing is impossible

In Matthew 19:16-22, a young man comes to Jesus asking for eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must give up all of his earthly possessions–something the young man is not willing to do. Because he failed the test, the young man failed to inherit eternal life.

Love your God

A command to Love God with all our heart, soul, and strength. When we love God we obey his commands, we honor his principles.


Blessed are those that make peace. In the midst of a difficult situation its not easy to make peace, especially where there is chaos, and confusion

Fight the good fight of faith

Paul the writer compels Timothy a young leader and Warrior in the faith to " Fight the good fight of faith" Because he knows that faith requires perseverance, and a daily surrender of self to reach your Destination...

Be on Guard

Immediately instructions stand out! 1. Be on Guard 2. Stand the faith 3. Be courageous 4. Be strong What is the author trying to convey to the receivers of the letter ? ✉️ Paul the apostle is writing a letter to the church in Corinth, and in chapter 16 he is summarizing HIS message to the people in that region to...

Let light shine

In other words ! Don't hide your light under a bushel; let it radiate and inspire, so that all may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven...

Image Credit to Youversion Bible App
Exceedingly more...

Of all things we've ever asked God and imagined our answers to be, God is able to do MORE than! Let's celebrate the incredible power of God within us, enabling possibilities beyond our imagination for a brighter future in Christ Jesus and His Church...

S.O.A.P Bible Study Guide

Inspired by Rise Church SOAP Bible Guide 

S.O.A.P is abbriviated for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer as a STUDY Method that has been used by Christians all over the world.  

For this you will need a 

A BIBLE, (physical or electronic) a writing pen, S.O.A.P Guide, and a Journal or something to write on. You can also play soothing or worship tune in the background. 


When you use a BIBLE SOAP Method, only do one chapter at a time, verse at a time, so that you won’t be overwhelmed by what you’re reading.
Be sure to write every step down in your journal, so you can look back at what God has spoken to you in the past.

One Chapter
One Verse
One day at TIME

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It doesn’t matter where you START what’s important is that you stay consistent with it and you finish to the very END. If you STARTED the book of GENESIS, stay there, read, meditate, one chapter at a time, THEN go to the NEXT one. If you don’t understand something go to your pastor, leader or mentor and seek for interpretation. They are there to GUIDE you until you can read through the bible yourself.



Where the world exalts pride, the Kingdom of God honors humility. When you think of humility, what comes to mind? In our world, humility is not something often celebrated, or accepted. We would rather be seen as powerful, influential, and important.

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God is working in You

Think about it: God made you. God put you here, at this specific time in history. God has a plan and purpose for your life. Not only that, but He gave you a brain that thinks, a heart that beats, and lungs that breathe. He gave you talents and abilities, hopes and desires. He gave you ears and eyes, muscles, and ligaments. And He positioned you on this planet that happens to be in the ideal position in our solar system for life to thrive. You are a part of God's plan.

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Make your Plans

Years ago my plans were interapted, but they became the most foundational steps I've ever taken, I gave ministry a chance, and have not looked back since. Many are blessed because I made the choice to say " yes" When your plans are interrupted, maybe it's God's way of saying, I've got something better for you. We humans plan, but God establishes those plans in action.

Fight the good fight

Paul was faithful to God and, without end, God was faithful to Paul. Shipwrecked. Stoned. Abandoned by friends. Imprisoned. The list of what Paul ‌suffered goes on and on. But he ‌persevered. He ‌remained steadfast in his devotion to Christ.

Image Credit to Youversion Bible App
Nothing is impossible

In Matthew 19:16-22, a young man comes to Jesus asking for eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must give up all of his earthly possessions–something the young man is not willing to do. Because he failed the test, the young man failed to inherit eternal life.

Image Credit to Youversion Bible App
Walk by Spirit

Our sinful nature ( flesh) desires things that are contrary to the spirit. In fact, spirit and flesh are opposites of each other. Spirit focuses on how it’s spiritually beneficial, whereas flesh focuses on how it can benefit physically. For example, when spirit desires to pray, or fast, or do anything to grow and develop spiritually, our flesh declares a war!

Endure Trials

Perhaps today, you are facing tough trials, persecution, or struggles that you can not seem to overlook or overcome a struggle that is just too big, too strong, too powerful 😪 😔 😢 God is able! Stand strong, You are an overcomer !

Blessed are YOU

Believe in the potential of your faith and embrace the love of Jesus. Though Thomas demanded evidence, Jesus blessed those who believe without seeing. Hear the testimonies, seek proof, and ignite your belief in Jesus!

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Be a Cheerful Giver

There is confusion in the church about giving, Paul clarifies the purpose of giving. He says the purpose is not to give under pressure, but to give from the heart. Our time, energy, and finances are precious to us, and God blesses us with everything. So when we give back to God we must give back with joy and from the heart.

Run with Perseverance

Run and not grow weary, walk, and not faint ! With perseverance and determination, not giving up, but looking forward with strength and courage, embracing the journey ahead!

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Trials and Fires

James, the half-brother of Jesus, couldn’t believe that his flesh-and-blood sibling was the actual Son of God—until He rose from the dead. Then, he was convinced. Here are five things to note from James’ mini-sermon: - First, the text says “when troubles of any kind come your way…” - Second, the text says “when troubles of any kind come your way…” - Third, the text connects hardships with the testing of our faith. - Fourth, the text says, especially during difficult seasons or situations, to “consider it an opportunity for great joy.” Happiness is dependent on circumstances, but joy is accessible no matter what. - Fifth, the text implies that troubles, trials, or difficulties all create space for endurance to grow.
So when you’re faced with hard things and can’t understand why, consider it an opportunity for great joy. That’s when you know that you’re growing and becoming more like Him.

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