Faith & inspiration

Explore the intersection of faith and everyday life, and find inspiration to live with intention, compassion, and joy

ignite with fire from within

Ventured out to write a book about my life, and sharing my thoughts, ended up picking up my calling, and stepping into Destiny

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Embracing Renewal

And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wine-skins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wine-skins.
Mark 2:22

Today, I embarked on a digital decluttering mission and deleted over 10,000 email messages lingering in my inbox. You know, those emails you intend to get to ‘when you have the time’ – the ones that clog up your email and mental space?

 It’s been long overdue! With a fresh perspective, I sorted, purged, and deleted the digital clutter that no longer served me. And now, my inbox is breathing a sigh of relief, ready to welcome new messages and connections!

Just as deleting old emails frees up space in your inbox, letting go of past hurts and emotions creates room for new experiences and connections. By releasing the weight of what’s holding you back, you open yourself up to a fresh start, a clean slate, and a renewed sense of purpose. It’s time to sort through the messages of your past, and delete the ones that no longer serve you.” Concluding thought: “So, take a deep breath, and hit delete. Let go of the old, and embrace the new. Your spirit is waiting for you to create space for growth, love, and joy. Delete the old, and start anew – your inbox, and your heart, will thank you.

letter, job, envelope-8052497.jpg

Attention! Your spiritual inbox is overflowing! It’s time to sort through the messages, examine what’s holding you back, and delete what no longer serves you. Let go of old hurts, toxic relationships, and lingering emotions that are clogging your heart and mind. Just as you need to clear out old emails to receive new ones, you need to create space in your spirit to receive new blessings and opportunities. Remember, you can’t receive new mail if your inbox is full! Delete the old, and get ready for the new! (Mark 2:22) This is a word for someone today – don’t miss it!

 So, take a deep breath, and hit delete. Let go of the old, and embrace the new. Your spirit is waiting for you to create space for growth, love, and joy. Delete the old, and start anew – your inbox, and your heart, will thank you.

Ignite & Empower

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