quotes & verses

inspirational quotes, bible verses and more
Empowering content that awakens the soul and spirit from within to help reach full potential and PURPOSE. Every morning, allow yourself to be filled with inspiration and motivation from TABLE DELIGHT, VERSES from the BIBLE with spiritual reflection and insight quotes that have the power to transform your mindset, uplift your spirit, giving you a renewed sense of purpose, and direction for the day ahead.
Lena Joseph
Woman of many Hats & Talents
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Cup of Delight to Start your Day

Verses of the Bible with spiritual insight and revelation for daily reflection and prayer.

 I love YOUVERSION BIBLE APP, my go to in the morning, delight to my soul, and spirit, so I decided to add this SECTION to my SITE, where I will be sharing my daily findings, verses, quotes and more.

Every morning, allow yourself to be filled with inspiration and motivation from this TABLE. These QUOTES have the power to transform your mindset and uplift your spirit, giving you a renewed sense of purpose, and direction for the day ahead.

verse delight

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Matthew 9:37-38

What do you think about the addition on the page? Let me know your thoughts!