Morning Prayer


for the Soul and Spirit
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What is Prayer and how do we Pray?

When we wake up in the morning, who is the first person that we talk to... who is the person we confide in ? 
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The enemy, our opponent wants to harm us and ruin our relationship with God. We shouldn't allow that to happen. We must pray before starting our day in order to safeguard ourselves against our enemy. What is prayer, and how should we pray?

How incredible is it to be able to have a personal conversation with God, the Creator of the Universe? It's an opportunity to talk to someone who knows every single detail about you, both inside and out. Someone who has been with you every step of the way, guiding you through the highs and lows of life. This kind of personal relationship is not just comforting, but it can also give you a sense of hope and purpose for the days ahead.
The beauty of talking with God is that He has good plans for you. In fact, He wants the best for you and desires to prosper you in every aspect of your life. With His guidance and wisdom, you can have hope for a bright and fulfilling future.

So, whether you are seeking answers, guidance, or simply want to express your heart to your Creator, take some time to have a conversation with God.

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