Prayer for Husbands


for the Soul and Spirit
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Today's BLOG

On wings like Eagles

Our husbands face many challenges on daily basis, as providers, protectors, and leaders of our homes, and outside of it. So much is coming against their mind, and spirit, as wifes we ought to encourage them, be devoted to them, and pray for them. The enemy- the devil wants to destroy marriages, but we can protect our marriage by being smart and avoid destructive behavior. A smart wife helps her family, but a foolish one destroys it.

As we journey through life, we understand that having a partner to share our joys and sorrows with, is an amazing blessing. In these uncertain times, it’s important to anchor our relationships, with a foundation of faith, with GOD as the three cord ties holding us together. I ask that you join me in prayer for your husband, and pray for him daily.

Let’s lift them up to God, asking Him to shower them with blessing,  protection, love, and favor beyond their means. May His grace continue to fill their hearts with love, peace, and joy, and may their relationships be fortified with strength and patience. Let’s pray that every obstacle and challenge that may come their way will be overcome with the power of God’s unfailing love.

Thank you for your partnership in prayer. May God bless you abundantly, today and always.

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