Serve with Excellence


for the Soul and Spirit
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, where you are going.
Ecl 9:10


Special thanks to GEM Outreach ministry based in Nigeria for contributing this entire edition to our TABLE. Gem Devotional is filled with Delight and Insight and is not found anywhere else. We are fortunate to be able to present First 5 ARTICLES it at our TABLE. You can also purchase an E-BOOK version at your request. Proceedings will go to the MINISTRY of GEM and spreading of GOSPEL
Lena Joseph
Blogger, Writer and Editor


Are you serving with Excellence?

This verse is quite penetrating, to be aware that one day we are going to die in some way and in the afterlife we do not study or work according to the author of the book. That is why we must put our effort in everything we do, without laziness and without complaining about the activities that we have to do every day.


Whether you have to work or study, whatever you do entrust to the Lord, leave mediocrity and produce excellent things. The lord requires that we serve Him with excellence and you will reap your reward. Bless the lord. Hallelujah!

A Prayer for Today

Lord, today I ask you to teach me to live this day as if it were the last day of my life, help me to give up mediocrity, laziness, indifference and lack of will. I am aware that I only have this life to live, every moment counts, every day is a new opportunity to show that I can be better, every time I look more and more like you, follow your footsteps, go the path left by your footprints. My goal as of today is to live each day as if it were the last as if I only had one last chance.

Ignite & Empower

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