Put GOD FIRST – Everything else SECOND


Put God First

" In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct and crown your efforts with success."
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Proverbs 3:6

Have you ever thought about the wonderful promises that God has for us when we trust and delight in Him? It’s amazing to think that when we put all of our faith in Him and seek His guidance, He promises to direct our path and fulfill the desires of our hearts. 

The scripture says “Put God first”. So you do that. Put GOD ahead of everything you do, and have, and watch GOD bless you beyond your means. Don’t look at the circumstances you face with your physical eyes. Our battle is never carnal but mighty through God…remember, we wage war against forces of darkness, against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness, in high places. These forces have different ranks, or level just like the military.

Lay it all down on Jesus Feet. Don’t look at the size of that mountain. Don’t listen to voices of insignificance. Sometimes God surprises me with what He shows me in the spirit. He surprises me with things that people in the natural can call weird and how it happens. I must trust God at all times; I must believe God and do whatever He says even if it looks weird in the natural realm.

Telling Abraham to sacrifice a human being (Isaac) was weird remember? Telling Moses to turn a staff into a snake in the court of Pharaoh. Allowing Jesus to die a painful, and shameful death on the cross in order to save and rescue me, was weird in the eyes of many world religions. Resurrection power to these many religious groups were unacceptable and an abomination.

You see, this is what makes God-God. He does the impossible. There is nothing He cannot do today. You must trust Him, and do what He tells you to do at all times, without questioning Him. You do not have to know all the details. You just believe, have faith and do as told.

OBEDIENCE is Key, prioritize Kingdom above all else!

Everything else in your life is secondary. Put God first please, over everything else. He is your source of life and provision. He is your healer, and protector. When you do so, He will direct and reward your efforts. Your steps are ordered by Him.

Prayer for Today

Father, I am so excited about Loving You, trusting You and putting You first. Help us to trust You and Love You with all our heart, mind, soul, body, and everything within us Lord. Sometimes, the things we were told to do may look weird or sound weird, but we must never question you; we must do as told, so help us not to rebel, but to be obedient. I pray this day, that you give us Your discerning Spirit so we can discern properly. Thank You so much for loving us. We bless, praise, and honor you for in Jesus mighty and everlasting name we pray.

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