Think upon positive thoughts


for the Soul and Spirit
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Today's BLOG


Have you ever found yourself speaking and thinking negative over yourself? Before you know it, your whole day just went in another direction. You were having a good day, but all of a sudden, one negative thought led you to another, and here you are.



What we think about becomes our world of emotions, and it has power to change our outlook on life, day, and beyond.

Negative thoughts create negative environment, and eventually actions follow. This is why you feel the way you do. Because you have allowed the devil to whisper lies to you. Recognize his work, and irradiate his lies!

This is why we need to be reminded daily, to be positive, and examine our thoughts.

David in Psalm 139: speaks to God. God you know my thoughts , you perceive them from far away… If there is any wicked thing in me, remove it far from me, and lead me in a way of everlasting.

Our thoughts create words, and words create our world! We better pay attention.

If it’s not positive or beneficial take the thought captive, by speaking life over yourself. The WORD of GOD! Create a daily habit of speaking life over yourself, taking negative thoughts captive.

I am happy, I am whole, I am positive, nothing in this world can bring me down. God has given me the power to overcome my weaknesses. Greater is he! I can and will do all things !

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