Forms of Prayer

In our journey of #faith, it’s essential to sharpen our swords & deepen our knowledge & understanding of Scripture. Just as a Warrior prepares for battle, we too must equip ourselves with the Word of God. I have put together a list of some of the ways we can sharpen our swords.

Prayer can be prayed in different ways

REQUEST  When making a Request, asking God for things we need and desire.

WORSHIP When Worshiping God for who he is and what he has done for us

PRAISE Through Praise, by singing and reverencing God.

PETITION By Petitioning our needs and other people’s needs before our King

INTERCESSION Through Intercession by praying and speaking on behalf of others.

GIVING OF THANKS Through Giving of Thanks for the things God has blessed you.

Prayer can also be prayed through tears, when we have nothing else to say, through songs when we have a hard time expressing ourselves, or through the word of God, when we can’t find words to say.

Prayer is simply this, a conversation in a different forms of communication to the higher power than yourself.

When we pray, our creator listens!

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Lead me Lord, and I will follow, lead me Lord and I will go. You have called me, I have answered, lead me lord, I am here!

You never leave us, nor forsake us. You hold us with your righteous hand. You provide for our daily needs. We lack nothing. No good thing is withheld from us. We are the apple of your eye, hidden under the shadow of your wings. Resting safely in your embrace. We are strengthened, encouraged, empowered this morning to do great and mighty works. My soul knows this very well.

Forgive me my trespasses Lord. Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from all evil. Overlook any offenses that I have caused, and any offenses done to me. I cover myself, my family. Everything that belongs to me, is under my authority! Power and dominion is in my hand, the blood of Jesus covers me, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit in me. Examine my heart Lord, see if there’s any wicked thing in me, remove it far from me. Finish your good work in me, complete what you started in me. Establish your good works, and plans for my life. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness. Remove impure thoughts from me, align me with your holy spirit.

All my thoughts belong to you my mind stays on you. Every agenda, plot, scheme that the enemy will have against me today, I nullify it’s works now. No evil shall befall me, no disaster come near me. Command your angels to guard me in all of my ways.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper in any kind of way. Every thought, that rises against me in judgment is silenced, and condemned in Jesus Name. Power and authority belongs to me. I am the righteousness of God.

All that I have, all that I am belongs to you. You are in charge of everything I am, and everything I do. I glorify your work Lord. You are making all things beautiful in your timing. Your thoughts are good for me, plans to prosper me, give me a hope and the future, give me an expected end.

Let your light shine on my ways! Establish your good works in my life, amen!

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