today's psalm
today's psalm

Psalm 139 | Psalm of Reflection


David the Psalmist often expressed his heart to GOD. In this Psalm, he expresses his awe and wonders at God’s presence and magnificence especially when it comes down to us humans and aspects of our lives, the comfort of knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by HIM, and for HIM, for every good work, and plan

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Experience the power of the Book of Psalms, a collection of words that inspire prayer, worship, and praise. Find hope, connection, and fulfillment in God’s love.

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Who wrote the BOOK of Psalms ?

 David the Psalmist, the Sons of Korah, 

AND others

For WHO?

Anyone desiring to tap into the power of prayer, worship and praise, through  music, God’s word and relatable stories of biblical hero’s, as well as help understand the character of God

Listen on the GO! 

4m 51s

18 MAR 2019 · Psalm of Reflection, Identity and Surrender, Pray this when in doubt, and in need of restoration, reflecting on intimate moments with God! 🎙Tune in, learn, apply.

Psalms 139

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Do you need some reflection ?
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The following is an excerpt from my upcoming Book ” Purposefully Driven soon to be available for purchase. 

My purpose to fly, and soar high, was strategically placed in me from the beginning of time, in my mother’s womb. Carefully woven together, designed to fit the blueprint of my life. 

What is my Identity? What makes me, ME? With billion people in the universe what can I, offer to the world? How can I, make a difference in the world, the world that is filled up with intelligent, and influential people, and how can I influence, and impact those around me? With specific character traits that were placed on the inside of me, Who am I, and What am I here for? What is my purpose, and am I fulfilling MY purpose here on this earth?!

 ” There must be more to life, than meets the eye” 

Theres more to life than bills, pleasure, fun, and going to church. What am I here for? I WAS CREATED FOR MORE!

This is when my FIRE ignited! A desire to pursue my calling was birthed. The desire on the inside, deep within, ignited to personal identity, and greater purpose. This Desire has been placed on the inside of me by the Creator himself. The Creator of the Universe, who thought that he needed one of me too, to do something worthwhile. The all knowing, all powerful, unlimited in power, and authority, RULER of the UNIVERSE thought that I was useful, and purposeful to him. Formed and fashioned a plan together in his hand, for a specific purpose, with specific calling. Pre-designed to fit my life, with a blueprint that fits my every curve, created for his greater good.

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Sharpen your Sword

Scriptures to think about and memorize on a daily basis. Be encouraged and empowered though God’s WORD. 

I am Fearfully and wonderfully made, THIS I know in my soul very well
Psalm 139:14


David the Psalmist often expressed his heart to GOD. In this Psalm, he expresses his awe and wonders at God’s presence and magnificence especially when it comes down to us humans and aspects of our lives, the comfort of knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by HIM, and for HIM, for every good work, and plan.
The Psalmist invites the readers to ponder upon the depth of God’s knowledge, beauty, and presence in our lives, it’s amazing to think how intimately he knows us, and how he created us so perfectly imperfect for his Glory, Purpose, and Plan.
When you are questioning your Identity and looking for ways to find your strength & courage, this Psalm is a great go-to!

Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NIV) are from THE HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. All rights reserved worldwide.

Questions to think about ?

I am seeking, I am looking, listening attentively for him to show me. So much is catching my attention.

Listen attentively what is God drawing your attention to? Maybe it’s a moment that he is highlighting in your life, What is he saying to you?

Now that you have heard God’s Truth, how will you apply this word, how will you practice what you learned in your life?

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