April 29, 2024

Mind Reset | Day 1


Our thoughts control us. I am going to share some non biblical quotes here but they speak to the human condition.

I borrowed those from the reading plan but thought they were really good.

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” — Henry Ford

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Teddy Roosevelt

“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” — Marcus Aurelius

“Our thoughts make us what we are.”— Dale Carnegie

The enemy uses our thoughts to hold us back. He tells us we are unworthy to keep us from a relationship with our Father. He tells us we are not worthy or qualified to be used for God. God will make us qualified. Perhaps we are perfectly qualified because of what we have been through.

Let God decide if you are qualified not thoughts the devil put in your head. While I am not perfect, far from it in fact, I believe the renewing process is underway in my mind.

As it says in verse two, we are to be

transformed by the renewing of your mind

That means those old negative and self destructive thoughts must be put aside, and replaced with positive thoughts, from God.

Instead of the devil’s thought of ‘I am unworthy to serve God” , learn to replace that thought with “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

It is a different attitude. It is replacing the devil’s I can’t with God’s I can and I shall.

I am speaking to myself here as much as I am you, but those old addictions, those old habits, those old ways only have a hold on you because your thoughts are that you can do nothing else.

God says we can do anything in his name and to glorify him. I need to work on this as well. Especially now. When old me comes up and makes it difficult for current me, I need to remember who I am. I need to use his strength to overcome.

How many of these old ways of thinking are holding you back? How often have you told yourself you can’t do something for God. How often has fear held you back from stepping out for his glory. How long did it take to truly accept God’s forgiveness and begin to move forward with your relationship with him? How many of the enemies lies do you still hear daily? Get rid of the I cant’s and replace them with the I cans


Lord I pray that you will transform me.

Give me the wisdom and the strength to get beyond these issues and to serve you better.

✨️ Have you been ignited encouraged inspired? ✨️ 

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