April 30, 2024

MULTITASKING is not for everyone


for the Soul and Spirit
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In life and journey, we will encounter obstacles on the way, as well as opportunities that come our way. We can choose how we respond to them, and how we see them. We can either see the obstacle as a problem, or we can see the opportunity through that obstacle. Be sure to examine your path, and look through the eyes of Faith, not Fear.

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Today's blog


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Just as we are marching into Destiny, here come obstacles, challenges, hindrances that are on the prowl of stopping us from moving forward into all that God designed for us. Unless we deal with these challenges, head on, we won’t be able to move forward.

Obstacles are coming our way, hindrances are out to destroy us. The enemy does not want us, to proceed further.

Whether this is an enemy in a spiritual sense, or an enemy of our destiny and purpose, its coming for us, and we need to get prepared for battle.

Multitasking was one of the obstacles that I had to overcome in my journey in order to be successful. 

Multitasking– the performance of more than one task at the same time. 


As a mom, I am a natural multi-tasker. I can be doing dishes but ALSO folding laundry. I can be cleaning my fridge, and also checking homework, reading or even catching up on the latest study, on the kitchen counter.

We are constantly on the move; sending emails, writing blogs, recording, creating content, interacting with different people on a daily basis, catching up on our studies, cleaning, teaching, catering to everyone’s needs. We put on different hats, run on empty, and get overburdened as a result.

If not done correctly multitasking, can be quite damaging to cognitive, and mental health, which we so often overlook and abandon.

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“Doing several different things at once can impair cognitive ability, even for people who multitask frequently. In fact, research suggests that people tend to overestimate their ability to multitask, and the people who engage in this habit most frequently often lack the skills needed to be effective at it.” via verywellmind.com sources.

The other day out of nowhere my body shut down, and told me to rest. I have been having migraine headaches, and not feeling myself as a result. My mind is clouded, and I get irritated easily. I have even gotten frustrated at even the smallest of things.

This is my wake up call, and perhaps yours too!

In the world we are living today, multitasking can seem like quite a successful thing to do, especially when you are running many things at once, juggling through tasks, but don’t fall for it.

I used to think multitasking was the way to go, until I myself ran into roadblocks, and decided to take a look in the mirror. It is not easy seeing things for what they really are, but the sooner that we accept reality, the better off we will be.

Most of you know I am a mom, with two girls, who need constant attention, and well thought out plan; a wife who performs her role, and supports her husband, in any way she can; cyber minister, warrior, blogger podcaster; wearing many hats, interchanging them daily.

I keep my house clean, my girls are situated, fed and taken care of. I do homework with them, play board games, and occasionally read with them. I cook, clean, and do laundry every single day. I am a mentor, I guide assist individuals to a better plan, and a direction. I teach bible studies, and establish prayer groups. I even set time aside to learn and develop my skillset, while I catch up on my reading. I have a lot on my hands…

It can be quite intimidating, and challenging.

However God did not create us to struggle, he has not given us a heavy burden we are not able to carry, his burden is light and his yoke is not heavy. Matthew 11:28–30 The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy… John 10:10

Multitasking is a heavy burden and a trap, there I said it.

I quit justifying it, and have embraced the truth. It has not been the easiest thing to do, but have been the most freeing thing to experience and embrace over the last six months. I have done the impossible! I have also put some things to the side, that were filling up my time, and energy, and made room for more important things, and you guessed it , REST. My time is valuable and I better start valuing my time, and who I give my energy to. I have a lot on my hands, and God EXPECTS ME to take care of it all.

Taking one step, one day, one assignment at a time.

How is this possible?

I Proportion tasks into smaller amounts, through time management, and prayer, setting distractions to the side. I pre-plan and schedule things in advance according to set priorities, and value. I set time aside to do the most important things first, my kids and my spouse, whom I am accountable to. I think about value, and invest into what matters most. I REST, and take it easy. I even try to set a day aside to work on self care and my mental and emotional health. It is still quite intimidating, but now I attack it on a different level. Instead of looking at my situation and running into another direction, I assess my situation and attack it head on.

It’s not going to be easy, but step by step, we can move in the right direction.

Take a look at the article Time Management to correctly proportion time and energy when it comes to Multitasking, and Productivity.

Did you enjoy this Topic? Are you a multitasker, running different platforms exhausted and spend?  Perhaps it is a stronghold, or a feeling that keeps entangling you, that needs to be broken.

As David says examine my heart lord and if there’s anything in me that does not please you, remove it far from me. Psalm 139:23-24

I want you to receive FREEDOM! So WALK IN IT! These are my thoughts and my heart.

Ignite & Empower

Did you enjoy this Article? Are you familier with any of the Obstacles mensioned? If you are struggling with any specific roadblocks you’d like to discuss or need further guidence, feel free to let me know.

Check out this BLOG as well  

Overcoming Roadblocks on the Path to Fullfilling your Destiny Blog for more

I want you to receive FREEDOM, and walk in abundance! These are my thoughts and my heart.

In the meantime…

Live life to the fullest, Laugh as much as you can, love without condition or measure.

