April 28, 2024

Greed that little green monster


for the Soul and Spirit
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In life and journey, we will encounter obstacles on the way, as well as opportunities that come our way. We can choose how we respond to them, and how we see them. We can either see the obstacle as a problem, or we can see the opportunity through that obstacle. Be sure to examine your path, and look through the eyes of Faith, not Fear.

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Today's blog


Comparison is one of ways that can be used to block our way to Destiny, fully walking in our purpose, discovering who we are, and even completing our assignment here on earth. 

When you make a comparison, you consider two or more things that are similar, and discover the differences between them. via Dictionary.com

Not only that! We compare skillset, gifting, ability, calling, purpose, we compare strength, color, function, and so forth.

Greed starts with a desire to want more. It’s that green little monster that is never satisfied. It pulls on you, and points in another direction. No matter how much you have, you always want more.

For example; who I am and who they are

Their purpose and mine

My assignment vs their assignment

Greed excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions.

Malice desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another

Anything and anyone that takes away our time, and attention from that which we should be doing, is a DISTRACTION

Not only that! We compare skillset, gifting, ability, calling, purpose, we compare strength, color, function, and so forth

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Just as we are marching into Destiny, here come obstacles, challenges, hindrances that are on the prowl of stopping us from moving forward into all that God designed for us. Unless we deal with these challenges, head on, we won’t be able to move forward.

Obstacles are coming our way, hindrances are out to destroy us. The enemy does not want us, to proceed further.

Whether this is an enemy in a spiritual sense, or an enemy of our destiny and purpose, its coming for us, and we need to get prepared for battle.

Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own, or have. 
Luke 12:15

Greed is sin ( transgression against GOD)  wanting more than we already have is transgression against God law. Wanting what others have stops us from receiving God’s best for us. 

Its OK to want nice things, its OK to desire, but do not let that desire cause you and I to envy someone else’s blessing, or someone else’s yard, house, spouse.

Ever notice your neighbors yard? It seems they always have it put together, but when you actually go to the other side, you find out they have problems too.

Once we focus on someone else’s position, status, beauty, standard) we become jealous, and jealousy will not stop until it is satisfied.

The enemy has come to steal, kill, destroy. John 10:10

Discontentment – longing for something better than the present situation.

We need to turn off our focus on others, and rather magnify what we already have.


God has beautiful things in store for us, but if we focus on what our neighbor has we will miss out on the blessings designed for us. We cannot walk into destiny with greed in our heart.

Yesterday we had a beautiful event at our church “girls only” and our pastor wife talked about clean hands and a clean heart.

We must constantly check our hands, and hearts.

Examine my heart Lord, see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in a way of everlasting. 

Instead of living a life of comparison, live a life that is designed to fit you, and your calling. Irradiate the lies you’ve told yourself of not measuring up to Sally, Peter, or Molly. Get rid of toxic emotions of not feeling enough, worthy, or accepted.

Be content – Be OK with what you have now. My father ingrained this principle early on.

Its best to balance it out. Not to have too much or too little. Discipline yourself when you cross that border of wanting more. If we don’t control our desire and selfish wants, we will become discontent with the things we have and open door to jealousy.

Instead of comparing let’s celebrate each other in the way that we already are, taking away nothing, or adding something. Comparison takes away our ability to enjoy life as is, steals peace of having enough, or being content with what we already have in our hands.

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11

Did you enjoy this Topic? Are you tempted to claim, possess, and compete until you are filled with rage and hate?  Are you willing to confront and deal with ? Maybe some things in your life needs to be addressed, so you can walk in freedom?

As David says examine my heart lord and if there’s anything in me that does not please you, remove it far from me. Psalm 139:23-24

I want you to receive FREEDOM! So WALK IN IT! These are my thoughts and my heart.

Ignite & Empower

Did you enjoy this Article? Are you familier with any of the Obstacles mensioned? If you are struggling with any specific roadblocks you’d like to discuss or need further guidence, feel free to let me know.

Check out this BLOG as well  

Overcoming Roadblocks on the Path to Fullfilling your Destiny Blog for more

In the meantime…

Live life to the fullest, Laugh as much as you can, love without condition or measure.

