April 29, 2024

A Parable of the Shrewd Manager


for the Soul and Spirit
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.
Luke 16:10
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Today's parable

On wings like Eagles

 Luke 16: 1-14

JESUS tells us a story of a dishonest manager, how he dealt with the money, and masters possession, and draws or concludes a point in the end.

This manager to save his neck, goes and cuts the debt of his debtors for selfish gains. To gain their approval and acceptance. This displeases the master in a great way.


It’s a Principle! 

Luke 16 starts a parable; The Parable of a shrewd manager, verses 1-12. Please take a moment and read PARABLE.

parable a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.

He says this in his heart ” I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.

This shrewd manager as Jesus calls him, acted unjustly, and Jesus makes a powerful point from this unjust situation.

My ministry started with One person, I was dealing with a situation when God put this ONE person in my path. I would encourage, and pray for them, give advice, and speak life over them, and in return I would uplift and encourage myself.

Listen on the GO

When God saw I was faithful with ONE he placed another opportunity in front of me, now I was encouraging and uplifting TWO people. Soon after 2 more joined and now I had five.

That five turned into 15, now I didn’t have enough time or energy for 15 so God put a ministry idea in my heart. To create a group where I could be available for all 15, and that is exactly what I did.

I took on a responsibility for all 15 people that God placed 15 people on my path. I faithfully attended to the needs of my tribe, encouraged, inspired, and guided along the journey. Today many of these individuals have gone on to create ministries, and step into their calling as a result.

When I was FAITHFUL with the assignment, God gave me a bigger opportunity. He had put a desire into my heart to create a MENTORSHIP Program, where I continue to use my GIFT, but also get paid for what I love to do.

We all gotta support the ministry and expand the KINGDOM to grow strong.

When you faithful with GOD’s people he begins to bless you with opportunities as well as creative ways to establish and bless his KINGDOM.

BE FAITHFUL! Whether its ONE person, or ten, show yourself trustworthy! Commit yourself to the task, and watch God bless you beyond your imagination.

What happens next?


In our upcoming E-Book Battle Plan collaborated with my sis Warrior Anna, in the section Gift and Talents be on the lookout!

Ignite & Empower

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