April 27, 2024

Friendship with the world…


Friendship with the world...

by Lena joseph
" You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever chooses to be a friend of the world has declared himself to be an enemy of God."
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James 4:4

Suppose you sneaked out once in a while and spend your time elsewhere. Not at your home, your woman, or man, but in the arms of another woman, or man. Do you not think that your vile actions will provoke your partner to anger, envy or jealousy?


When you spend your precious time elsewhere you show your partner, where your heart is, and where you stand in your relationship with them. A man that loves his woman will crave the attention of his woman, and will do anything to be in her arms, and to please her. A man that choses to spend his time, and energy elsewhere, shows his lack of love, and care for his woman, through his actions.

Or vice versa

Connection with the world, as well as enticement with worldly pleasures, and treasures, reveals where our heart is. When you love someone, you do what pleases them, and honors them. 

Have you considered putting your focus on Christ instead of the things the world is tempting you with? It’s easy to get caught up in the distractions around us, but I promise that keeping your eyes and heart on Christ will bring you immeasurable peace and joy.

As we draw closer to God we become more like him, and less like the world, rejecting all that displeases him, and dishonors him.

The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life is an enemy of God. Watch out so that you are not tempted or drawn away by it’s treasures.

Whoever chooses to be a friend of God rejects all that displeases him, and dishonors him.

Choose today, whom you will serve, you cannot serve God, and the devil.

I hope you have been encouraged to seek out that which will better you, give you a hope, and a future.


✨️ Have you been ignited encouraged inspired? ✨️ 

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