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ignite with fire from within

Ventured out to write a book about my life, and sharing my thoughts, ended up picking up my calling, and stepping into Destiny

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Special thanks to GEM Outreach ministry based in Nigeria for contributing this article to our TABLE. Gem Devotional is filled with Delight and Insight and is not found anywhere else.
Lena Joseph
Blogger, Writer and Editor

Be Still and Know

Have you ever gotten in a situation that you had no control over ?

We all go through seasons in our life where things seem unbearable and out of our control. There are some things we CAN control, but there are situations where we are simply powerless against it. 

In this situation, on the run, in the wilderness, WHERE things seem to be out of control, MOSES responds with FAITH; confidence and assurance that God says who he is. 

As a LEADER he instructs the people running for their lives not be afraid, stand firm, and be still

Be still, and know that God is in control. Don’t rush, don’t try to figure it out on your own, don’t complain, or even grumble, but stand still. 

Standing still is not the most comfortable thing to do, when situations and circumstances are out of your control. We as human beings do not stand still, we want to figure things out. The normal thing to do is worry,  get our list together, call up a few friends, get frustrated, mad, run, or hide.

But God says, we are to stand still.

Listen to this article on the Move!

Read Exodus 14:14; Isaiah 40:31 for Personal Reflection and Insight 

To stand still – is to remain in place; hold still; remain fixed or immovable via © Farlex, Inc. 2021

Remain trusting, remain holding on to truth, remain fixed in standing, and not be moved by the situations that are surrounding us on all sides.


To stand still, when the Egyptian army is threatening to kill. To stand still when the army is moving. To stand still and see the Deliverance of the LORD is not easy!  Standing still is just not an option for that moment, however Moses obeys the Lord and does what is uncommon to men; to stand still, and see! Not run, not hide, not even fight, but stand still!


What you see today, is not what you’re going to see tomorrow, IF you stay still. Unfavorable situations and circumstances, fear and uncertainty can turn around in a heartbeat. Today you may be facing a BATTLE, but tomorrow you will see VICTORY.

Did you hear what I said?


Standing still requires a greater amount of faith, and Israelites just didn’t have that at the moment. They had no time, no patience, no confidence, instead of being confident in who GOD is, they are complaining, and grumbling, to MOSES, how the army they are running from is following them.


Moses, the leader of the Israelites, listening to their grumbling, musters up the courage, and responds in the most awkward way!

Speak FAITH when things seem bleak and unfavorable

Respond with courage when fear is breathing down your neck

I have No Rights to the songs, but I do recommend them.


I cannot imagine being Moses at that moment, but I also remember moments when I had to like MOSES move by FAITH! All I Could do was trust God. All I could do was TRUST and believe GOD for a favorable situation. I couldn’t do what I needed to do unless God stepped in! I needed GOD to move. 

Maybe today you are at a crossroads, and fear is breathing down your neck, your situations are following you, and circumstances are threatening you. 

Moses had to walk by Faith! Not knowing the results, but following through regardless. Walking by Faith requires confidence and trust like no other! Moses had to trust God and the plan for his life, and the life of Israelites.

Maybe today you are struggling to face your giants, and they are intimidating you, and it seems there is no way out. Maybe it’s your health, and it’s not getting better, or it’s your finances, only more bills to pay, or maybe it’s your spouse, who refuses to accept God’s plan for your life. Maybe your children are misbehaving, sick and there is no rest, or you got a huge amount of things to do on your list, it seems there is no peace, no end to what is happening at the moment! Maybe you got all these situations coming up out of nowhere, and you just want to give up, when giving up is not even an option. Seems you are at the end of your rope, and all hope is gone… 

Fear not! The situations that you see today, will only last for a moment, for a time, for a season, and will be no more. Hold on THROUGH regardless of what it looks like. God is FAITHFUL to bring you through it. Stand still, and trust God to handle the details. He is in control of your situation and he knows your NEXT! He knows and sees all. 


Our God is MIGHTY, he is STRONG and he is POWERFUL!

God is who he says he is, and he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him.

God does truly have our best interests at heart. He will never leave us, nor will he forsake us, nor make you feel distressed, hold on to his hand, and trust your CREATOR to lead you and sometimes EVEN carry you!



Father, I need You. I need Your grace, your mercy, your kindness. I need Your renewal in my mind, and in my spirit. Create in me a clean heart, renew a right spirit within me. Today I come to Your throne and wait on You. Be my strength, my fortress, my rock, and my helper, help me run and not be worn, walk and not faint. Let me soar on wings like eagles. I ask this in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Ignite & Empower

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